• Color Blind Survey

Color Blind Consumer Survey

Color Blind Consumer Survey

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Date: _________________ ID number: _______________

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey today. We are trying to understand the problems which color blind consumers experience in their daily lives. We are also trying to learn what color blind shoppers suggest to make their product use and their shopping more comfortable. Your input will enable us to provide consumer researchers with a better understanding of your perceptions, your needs, and your suggestions.

1. Could you describe your vision in your own words?





2. Does that mean that certain colors are difficult for you to see?





As you know, colors are often used to communicate meaning for shoppers. Think about problems you may have had in using products in your daily life, in reading or watching ads, and in shopping in retail stores while answering these questions.

3. Have you ever had problems related to color in using the products that you buy?

_____ Yes (please describe below)

_____ No (If no, go to question 7)





4. If so, how often do such color-related problems occur?

____ every day

____ a few times a week

____ once a week

____ a few times a month

____ once a month

____ a few times a year

____ hardly at all

____ never



5. Do you ever have problems in matching colors in the products that you use or buy?

_____ Yes (please describe below)

_____ No (If no, go to question 7)






6. What could companies do to help you with the type of problem that you described in question 5?






7. Have you ever had problems with the colors used in advertising?

_____ Yes (please describe below)

_____ No (If no, go to question 11)





8. If so, how often do you have a problem with the colors in advertising?

____ every day

____ a few times a week

____ once a week

____ a few times a month

____ once a month

____ a few times a year

____ hardly at all

____ never



9. Could you describe a problem with advertising color that is typical for you.





10. What could companies do to help you with the type of problem that you described in question 9?





11. Have you ever had a color-related problem while shopping?

_____ Yes (please describe below)

_____ No (If no, go to question 15)






12. Could you describe the type of store where this color-related problem happens?




13. Could you describe a color-related shopping problem that is typical for you.





14. What could companies do to help you with the type of problem that you described in question 13?





15. Do you have problems with warnings or special product information which is highlighted in color?

_____ Yes (please describe below)

_____ No (If no, go to question 17)



16. If so, give an example.





17. Is your ability to see color affected by the lighting used in stores?


_____ Yes (please describe below)

_____ No (If no, go to question 18)





Please report your agreement or disagreement with the following statements, indicating how you feel about each by choosing the number which represents your reaction to the statement; that is, do you strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree nor agree, agree, or strongly agree with the specific statement.

Use the scale below. For instance, if you disagree, choose 2; if you agree, choose 4; if the statement does not apply,choose 9.

1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neither Disagree nor Agree
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree
8 = Don't Know
9 = Not Applicable


_____18. Packaging information which is important should be highlighted in color.


_____ 19. It is difficult to make purchases which require me to match colors.


_____ 20. I am concerned that I will buy something which is a different color from what I need.


_____ 21. It is difficult for me to purchase clothing by myself.


_____ 22. I need to have a family member or friend help me to choose my clothing when I get dressed.


_____ 23. Store displays which use many colors are confusing to me.


_____ 24. The lighting in stores can make products appear to be a different color, from what they actually are.


_____ 25. Salespersons are willing to help me with color-related problems.


_____ 26. Color blindness makes it difficult for me to make certain purchases.



27. If you could speak to the marketing industry today, what would you want them to know about color blind consumers?


And now, a little bit about you for classification purposes. This information is confidential, and your identity will not be used in any report or presentation. Only averages or trends within the entire sample will be discussed.


28. Your age _______ years

29. Gender ______________

30. Education ____________________________

31. Marital Status _______________________

32. Occupation ___________________________

33. Approximate household income ___________

34. Ethnic group membership ________________



Thank you for your time! Could you recommend any others who are color blind who may be interested in participating in this study?

Carol Kaufman Scarborough, Ph.D.
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Rutgers University School of Business
Camden New Jersey 08102

Direct Office Telephone: 609-225-6592
School of Business Tel: 609-225-6218
School of Business Fax: 609-225-6231


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