
What are the effects of color on humans?

What colors are a trigger for aggressive behavior?

Color and crime/violent behavior

Color and weight gain/loss

Does color affect appetite?

Yellow's effect in public spaces (Subway stores)

The use of color to mitigate stress

What are the effects of color on humans?

I'm having a lot of trouble finding information on the effects of color on humans. More specifically I'm doing a little experiment to see if exposure to blue light will decrease a person's blood pressure. Any ideas?? All help appreciated!! :) Shelli

Vera Blue:
Yes, there are short term affects. Personality plays a powerful in long term physiological affects. Extroverted individuals require brighter colors,more colors, engaging shapes, and other sources of stimulation to *maintain equilibrium.* To attempt to calm a hyperactive person in a blue, monochromatic, or otherwise unstimulating environment, will only make her/him more agitated in the long run. Likewise, an introvert will not blossom into an outgoing personality in an energized environment.S/he will go stark raving mad....eventually.

Considerable research and numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effect of color on people - kids, adults, even animals. Much of the information is hard to find, but it's there. It's pretty well known and accepted that blue (for instance) does decrease heart rate and has a calming effect. But, as I've said in other posts, be careful. That which is good in moderation, can be adverse in excess. Cast a blue light upon your active little son. If the other parts of his environment do not confict, you will see him move to greater calm. Ah, success! Come back later and oh my gosh, he's flying around the room more energetic than you've seen him in months. Why? Too much of a 'good' thing. Study homeostatis. * * * If grade school administrators knew of that the spectral emission of fluorescent lights was largely blue/green...and if they knew about the effects of chronic and prolonged exposure to those light bandwidths, they'd change the darn bulbs! Six hours of daily exposure to fluorescent bulbs is not great. (Yes, they do have special fluorescent bulbs that emit a balanced light spectrum, but they are a bit more expensive.) * * * One few of the researchers of the effects of light includes - Dr. McNaughton (New York) (deceased). Most of his work was never published. :( Regards, Mac

John Ott also conducted substantial research into the biological effects of light. Although he lacked scientific credentials, his work is noteworthy.There's an excellent film about his work...check with a University.

JLM, Yes, Ott did some interesting research. I wonder who might follow in his shoes. The one thing that the AMA (medical profession) seems to recognize that color (light) will do is to aid in correcting a jaundice condition in people. (violet/indigo/purple light). Supposedly the nuns in churches in the 1700's realized that jaundice'd babies (jaundice - bilirubin - yellowing of the skin) improved when they plopped the little people near a brightly lit purplish stained glass window in the medieval churches. Presto...no more yellow kiddies! Today, hospitals use violet light (too cheap for stained glass I suppose)...and it works. I suppose the connection between Vitamin D and sunlight (to activate) would be another instance where light/color is 'accepted' by the scientific community. Color therapy was very popular in the early 1900's. It went from a near 'fad' to being scoffed off and blacklisted by the medical profession over the years. Some of the scoffing was probably appropriate. What might have been lost in the process though, is what color may offer in other ways. Color is a 'weak' force for the most part. A colored light bulb shining on a person isn't going to do much more than a magnet would if held in your hand. And the energy differential (emissive energy - heat - photons - etc.) from a green light or a red light will not affect a person much. So, if you walk into a red room or a green room, there isn't going to be a lot of physiological change going on in one's body. (thank heavens). High energy color emissions can do things. Grab an old Scientific American. You'll find a few articles on colored light. One describes how colored light is used as a 'catalyst' to initiate a chemical reaction. Hey! How about that. I suspect some of the real value of 'color psychology' will be realized when color is found to be an 'indicator'. (What do I mean by that?) Well.... In 20 years, you will come into an office for diagnosis. Sitting down in a chair you will be connected to a cute little machine (full of a bunch of sensor and computing equipment). You won't need to do anything but sit there with your eyes open and just watch the cute things that show up in front of you. It will be a kaleidoscope of viewing enjoyment. The system will assess you, measure you, compute your physiological state. How much? More than you could imagine. When it's done, you'll probably feel like you've been on a rollercoaster ride...but refreshed too. What will the results provide? Possibly a lot... Data on your physiological condition. Data on your mental condition. Intrinsic mood, behavior, behavioral tendencies, many aspects of your general health, resilience, aggressiveness/passivity... it will tell you if you tend to be extro or introverted, claustrophobic...it will tell you about what you like and dislike, have fears of and are attracted to... it will define thresholds and limits you have...it will tell you if you smoke, if your weigh (overweighness) is the result of endocrine imbalance and if was precipitated psychogenically or otherwise. It will tell you how you work, why you work (for enjoyment or the sense of accomplishmennt...etc.) It will tell you about your stamina, about the condition of your heart..but actually of your system in a full-body sense. It will key into existing neuroses and point out how multiple neuroses interact. It will point out schizoid and and depressed behaviors and it will show How they link to existing brain chemistry. Not bad for $25.00 bucks and 15 minutes of viewing enjoyment eh? Of more import is the fact that the results will truly help you ....mentally. And enable a trained medical professional to resolve health problems you may have. * * * Much of the psychiatric and medical community is focused on behavior as being all a chemical thing...mostly addressable by the application of drugs. There is some truth in their approach (my opinion). I suppose, if I was a dog and had a drooling problem I could go to a doctor and he/she would be able to prescribe a drug to stop my incessant drippy problem. But Pavlov might get ticked off, after he had spent weeks training me to drool. A simple drug would have ruined all of that psychological conditioning he had done. Maybe my point is, as much as a drug might 'cure' a problem/symptom ~~ identifying if it was precipitated by a psychological system (body) response to an external (or internal) condition is valuable. Pavlov might have just retrained me Not to salivate. My HMO (yuck!!) would have saved the money for the drugs. In time, the 'everything is the result of chemical imbalances in the human body' approach may be merged and integrated into a more comprehensive approach in dealing with psychologically originated disorders. If/when that happens, the medical community will be in a far more potent and capable position to truly help people and improve the quality of life. Regards, Mac

The CFF (Critical Flicker Frequency) of fluorescent fixtures is also reponsible for detrimental effects on the human body. Although it's not noticeable by the human eye (unless the bulb is in its death throes), these bulbs flicker at a rate which is out of sync with the human body. Replacement with "full spectrum" bulbs with corrected CFF is the only way to create biologically healthy interior environments.

The Miracle of Colour Healing,The Aquarian Press, AnImprint of HarperCollins Publishers, London, 1990. good luck ! bye ...


What colours are a trigger for aggressive behaviour?

Katy-jo Stanton:
I am doing a colour related project and would like information from anyone interested as to what colours are a trigger for aggressive behaviour.

Galia Scheuer:
As a communication therapist I have been using colored scarfs with autistic children: I have found blue and green to be realaxing and a combination of red - black - yeloow to be irretating. would like to hear more about your work.

LKPete :
You might need to begin by gathering information about the very opposite of what you want to find out. Because most research will be about determining which colors are more calming (there is little or no commercial need for color that rile people, Jerry Springer aside), so you might dig up that sort of info and then work backwards from there. You might also check into some authoritative sports psychology info. Much has been made of football teams that wear black helmets and uniforms being more aggressive on the field of play. I am very dubious about this, since, a) aggression alone won't win games, not even in football; and b) if it was true, every team in the NFL would wear black helmets and uniforms. Peoples' feelings about color are, along with societal associative meanings, very personal. If you don't like a certain color, being in a room painted in that color will probably annoy you.

Katy-Jo, Chris, et.al. Chris, from the comment in your posting - Color selections made for the holding cells were originally done in the late 1970's and early 1980's. (It was my research data.) Someone at an Institute in Washington State kindly (hiccup)took my research concepts and used them in Tacoma, WA. detention rooms and prisons and published some research papers about it (no, they didn't reference my work either). You might have seen a guy on "That's Incredible" in the 1980's, holding up big sheets of Blue and then Pink poster board, while someone saw how much weight their outstretched arms could bear. That was more of the same stuff. There are a few catches though. 1. They botched the color a bit and made it a kinda hot greyish pink. Psst: Alex...you didn't get the color right! 2. They didn't take into account exposure effects. The color was 'in the ballpark' enough to give scientifically significant results (blind study). But.. 3. Prisoners did respond and calmed down, as hoped, initially. Major goof: If they hung around too long, they became even more violent. Why? The reasons are so very very clear. 4. Other reasons: several, but that's another story.... I suspect there are, what one might call, innate responses to certain stimuli - in this instance a color or stimulus that prompts aggressiveness. But observations suggest that people can develop linkages of given stimuli to specific behaviors - and that these linkages will very quickly override many of the secondary or more subtle innate responses. An example? There are many. Here's a traumatic one - A mother watches a bright red car zoom by. A second later her child is on the ground, critically hurt, hit by the car. The child survives, but the trauma is so instant, so deep, the woman's association of bright-red to horrible loss is forever buried in her psyche. A linkage has been formed. Ever since then, when she sees that bright red, her heart races and an intense fear moves thru her. She rejects that color and keeps it away... Does bright-red = horrid loss then? To her it does. It's a uniquely formed, special case linkage. But to you, or me that same bright-red might mean something good, a warm Valentine's moment, a spouse's beautiful lips, whatever. The situationally induced linkage of that bright-red to that traumatic fearful moment overrides whatever response to the color might otherwise prevail. So...Katy-Jo... When you ask: "..what colors are a trigger for aggressive behavior" an answer may be at hand, but it may come with a myriad of caveats that overwelm an otherwise simple answer. Regards, Mac

Color and crime/violent behavior

I am organizining a roundtable discussion on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for crime prevention officers from law enfrocment agencies. One issue I would like to address is the role color might play in aggressive or anti-social behavior. Do certain color cause people to be more aggressive or less aggressive? If so, can we use color in locations such, as such convneince stores or other violence prone locations, to reduce violence. Can we use color to make people feel safer or can we use color to warn people about the potential for danger. I would appreciate any resource information on this issue and individauls who might be able to teach a short class on color and how it can impact behavior, especillay as it relates to crime. Pat Harris

Pat, It's nice to hear you are pursuing research and discussions in the area of crime and violence and how environment affects people and their actions. I'd like to know where in VA you will be holding the discussions, it's tempting to crash the party. :) I conducted studies and testing using color test protocols with young adults (in detention and while imprisoned) in the early 1980's. It was fascinating research. I'm glad to see you call your roundtable CPTED so it encompasses not only color, but all of the environmental stimuli that can affect individuals. From my research, color is a factor, but other inputs are equally and collectively probably much more influential in affecting people's behaviors.

You may at some point wish to consider another aspect of color as well. Instead of looking at color and how it might cause them to display negative behaviors, consider using it as an assessment tool a diagnostic tool. Such an assessment tool might be able to identify a behavior like cleptomania (theft). (Cleptomania is quite clearly defined (textbook, psychological aspects of....) and it has fairly well defined color correlations. I believe pyromania (e.g.- arson) and other neuroses would follow along the same lines. * * * If the owner of a 7-11 store thought color might influence a person's behavior and s/he decided to repaint the store with the hope that it would reduce crime, robbery, cleptomania, etc., what color would s/he use? Would 1 color be the answer? Or would it possibly be 2 colors? More? Polka dots? Plaids?

Maybe it would be better to drill 50 holes in the walls of the store and place little plastic eyeballs that peer out of some of the holes, and maybe a few gun muzzles poking out of some other holes? That might be effective but if my granny happened to shop at the 7-11, she would probably sue for traumatization. Store revenues might drop too (but then, they might increase too?) Instead of muzac playing quietly on the 7-11 speaker system, perhaps it would be more effective to have a news commentator's report being played on the system. The report could state how intruders were arrested today for trying to rob a convenience store. (Verbalizing the consequences of unacceptable behavior to the forefront.) :)

Actually, the use of closed circuit video systems in convenience stores is probably a significant deterent to much of the crime that might otherwise occur. * * * In your discussion and investigations it might be helpful to know that ... In many instances a high contrast environment can precipitate irrational, unthinking decisions. A black/white or black/yellow environment may affect an individual jusssst enough to move him/her into a 'bad' decision. Black-yellow (notice, it's 2 colors not one!) is chosen by people who are in a mode to make poor, headstrong, rash, self-destructive choices... Black-white in some instances is a combination that is chosen (and can precipitate) neurotic decisions... Black-green in some instances is tied to highly driven egocentric behaviors... Black-red in some instances may provoke an aggressive, driven, high-energy, hostile behavior. Ever notice that many store environments tend to lack a certain set of colors? Can you guess which set I'm referring to? Would you be suprised if I told you that these colors are the colors of 'self-respect' (Inotherwords...a range of colors that might move a person to stop and realize that a 'self-respecting' person might not behave in a certain way?) * * * Be careful how you apply the knowledge here...it's very complex and these colors (combinations) all have short and long term effects. It wouldn't be much fun to realize that the color combination you chose to paint the 7-11 succeeded in passifying the customers that visited briefly, but chronically affected the store owner to the point that s/he took the customers hostage upon their arrival.... * * * I know of very few people who have researched color and environmental stimuli in regards to the areas you have mentioned. If you succeed in finding and collecting some, I would like to have a copy of your attendees list from your roundtable discussion. :) * * * I would enjoy hearing more about your CPTED work in a future posting. Regards, Mac

A guide to color for the home and office

Color and weight gain/loss

I'm looking for anyone who has any information on what I know as the "color diet". The American Institute of Science has a program in Color Therapy and one of the courses is named "color diet". But to access the site you must sign up and pay to take the courses. I have read that color can be used to help in weight loss/gain - it has to do with the fact that the aura is out of "color" balance. The red/orange/yellow spectrum is used for permanent weight loss and the blue/green spectrum is used for weight gain. I first read about it in "Linda Goodman's Star Signs". I have made contact with a freind in India who says doctors there have been working with this "color diet" for years and they say what Linda mentions about color is VALID. I am currently doing the color diet. I just would like to hear from others who have done this or have any information on the subject. Thanks!

Ana Garcia:
I was just browsing through the web sites - colorcom- and I read, just the opposite, that eating in blue plates or eating blue food is less appetitious than any other color. Also I have read that restaurants usually decorate with warm colors such as orange, for their clients to eat more and fastest. Hope your investigations are succesfull.

Patti Phare-Camp :
Yes, Ana eating in blue does make you eat less as it relaxes and slows you down. Eating in orange makes you eat faster and more. Tammy you are also correct. Now you are refering to the auraic energy. To encourage healthy weight and eating habits you want to stimulate the yellow/Orange/red spectrum of the aura. You do so by surrounding your eating and exercising space in the above specrums' compliment, blue/green/violet.

Does color affect appetite?

Liz, I have a few results from some previous research I have done on this topic. Food and color association in relationship to taste is nominal. Every individual has a different perception of taste. Outside of the body's own chemical breakdowns of food and olfactory perception, we trigger taste in relation to memory. Some tastes are nostaligic, familiar, foreign; or a like or dislike due to environmental/emotional influences. (S'mores from childhood, icky brussel sprouts, etc.)Those good ole' "taste-buds" are even affected by our expectations and perception of what food should taste like. (That salad looks really good!) Some colors can help to create those feelings (Pop Tart boxes are dominated with brown to reflect toasted pastries, Healthy Choice uses that "Healthy Green" look to suggest freshness and low fat, vibrant energies,etc.) So close yours and eat up. That's how I got through brussel sprouts....

Color and food/dining

I have read studies that said red is both an appetite stimulant and also increases your blood pressure. This can physiologically have an affect on the person. Also important in any food area is a sense of cleanliness, which is represented by white (white kitchens and bathrooms). If the white can be kept clean it is a good choice. Follow your own experience on your favorite food places, what color are they and what is your emotional state at each. Pay attention to how many places use either a white and red theme in their menus, linens, or decor.

Dani, Nice post. And which might be more appetizing...a menu with black and white pictures of food or with rich color pictures? Regards, Mac


Yellow's effect in public spaces (SUBWAY)

My environmental psych. research project is on the effect of the bright yellow surroundings found in my neighborhood Subway sandwich shop. It is the "older" decor with the busy brown wallpaper. All employees there complain about co-workers being grumpy,tense,irritable, I want to prove the color connection(all the walls of brite laminate yellow) and present the owner reasons to remodel, any and all comments welcome, Marsha - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christopher Willard:
I bet if you paid them a hundred thousand a year instead of minimum wage, they'd love those colors and be pretty happy to work there.

i don't know about yellow in a subway restaurant, i do know that i had to change where i did my banking when the bank i used repainted it's interior yellow. Whenever i went in i felt disoriented, and like i was going to pass out, i like yellow, but find that it a very irritating colour when used as an interior colour, especially when when there are few windows in the room.

LKPeteOne thing to consider is that the yellow decor -- and doubtlessly all of Subway's interior design color choices -- are aimed at pleasing (or whatever) the customers, who come and go fairly quickly, and not the workers who are there for 8 long grueling hours of sandwich making and being polite to hungry people in a hurry. A couple of thoughts: restaurant anti-smoking ordinances (in NY & CA) were enacted on behalf of the restaurant staff, not the customers, who weren't -- so the reasoning goes -- as endangered by long exposure to a smoke-filled room (providing none of them were politicians). I'm not sure what you might do with this thought, but it may give you the beginnings of a framework for your argument. There is lots of info on room colors having an effect on those who spend a lot of time in these rooms, I don't have it at hand, but I know it exists (check Area 51, or maybe 52). At the very least, you could point out that some interior decor scheme that included surroundings that made employees less irritable (and therefore nicer to customers who will be so pleased by the cheerful attitudes and service that they'll come back time after time) is good for business. Another color might also convey a cleaner environment as well as a more pleasing one. I just remembered a book or two on snazzy restaurant design published by Rockport Publishers. Check the graphic design and architecture sections of your local bookstore (and if it's a Borders or Barnes & Noble with a cafe attached, be sure to note the color of the walls, lighting, etc. for any number of books on this and related topics.

Debbie, What color is best? How about a nice balance of warm colors in the yellow to magenta portion of the spectrum? Warm. Not expansive walls of blue and green, but warm orange, yellow, red. (Oh, no! Does this sound like a Subway Store?) Your question was "What color is best". It's like 'what ONE color is best?" even TWO? Jog your mind. Are you planning to present ONE (or even just TWO) items on the menu? What if I asked you, what One food is best to serve in a restaurant? I think people would laugh if there was only one menu item. "Welcome to the Four Seasons - We serve Only! YAMS Only!" Do you see what I'm saying? ~~~ If your menu is enticing, it probably has quite a few selections - 'variety'. It's probably balanced...and I'd hope any given dinner has a balance of foods as well. Yes? ~ Select a dinner. Look at the plate, the setting, the food, the garnishings, the foods. Are the colors warm? Are they appetizing? Well, heck, use colors similar to those...and balance, and accent, and have little highlights. It's an art. Do you agree? ~~~ Enough of that! ~~~ Did you say you wanted your restaurant customers to 'feel more comfortable and relaxed and eat more'? "Color" isn't the only or main stimulus that will move them. The service, the prices, the cleanliness, the cordiality, the professionalism, the clientele, and so on, will affect them (collectively), far more, I suspect. Regards, Mac

My paper is in definate need of formalization, I find it very difficult to locate research results.All I come across is annedotal generalizations with no footnotes. I am a Labor/delivery RN who is back at school for a degree in Interior Design, to eventually combine the two degrees as a contract consultant My son is the manager (not full owner yet) of the Subway. As a franchise they have only 2 decor choices, but even those are better than the outdated one he is in now. And interviews/ questionaires will be full of subjective learned responses (from him and workers) But as a mom, I can tell a definate difference in his and others mood after 3-4 hrs,with West exposure,full sun thru windows strate onto yello laminate! I guess my piece will end up more fluff,bs and theory than proof, oh well, thanks for your interest, Marsha

Have you consulted Feng Shui? Due to Franchisee agreements, I'm sure that he is very limited as to what your son can do to the decor of the restaurant. But with the help of a Feng Shui analyst he could quite possibly, incorporate some elements that would help to improve the attitudes and acceptibility of the harsh Yellow walls. Terah Katheryn Collins has a very good book out that you should consider reading, it is the Western guide to Feng Shui. I have learned so much about my state of being emotionally, and its direct correlation to my surroundings. I hope that your research paper produces a world of change in the work environment of your son.

Mac : MsLeder, I don't think you'll find gobs of research on the topic you've chosen. If/When you decide to write your paper, you might want to consider the following (from what you've written): (1.) "on the effect of bright Yellow" (2.) effects: grumpy, tense, irritable (3.) prove color connection - Yellow-links/ties-to-grumpy-tense-irritable. ~~~ The linkage you hope to show might be 'proved' if you can quantify things. Grumpy, tense, etc. seems to be 'behavioral' modes. Can you think of a way to show or quantify these behaviors? Set up the Subway environment with one color scheme. Test it for a month. Change the color scheme, test it for an additional month. Measure the difference between the months. Wait. What should you measure? How might you measure it? Gosh, lots of ways? Look at the number of customer compliants in each month. Is one high, the other lower? Set up a videocamera - observe worker behaviors. Are they observably more irritable or grumpy with one color scheme? Look at the number of sick days workers have taken or the number of arguments that have occurred. The number of wrong orders? The number of cash-register entry errors? The number of times 911 was dialed from Subway to end a brawl. Heck, there are lots of things you might considering measuring. Irritable, grumpy, tense behavior is displayed in a lot of ways. ~~~ Don't settle for a fluff, bs, mish-mosh theory kind of attempt. Anyone can guess. Attempting to measure might be a bit more scientific. ~~~ Who knows, if you do it, maybe someone will be happy they found your work footnoted at the bottom of a published page. A nice thought? Sure! Regards, Mac

JL Morton - Color Matters :
I'd agree with Mac that there's not a lot of research but Mahnke's "Color and Light in Man-made Environments" and many of Birren's books cite research related to the use of large quantites of ANY bright color and the irritating qualities of bright yellow. It's enough to confirm the subway employees reactions. Check the bibliography and links pages at Color Matters. I recently updated both of these pages. There is a lot of controversy about the physiological effects of colors, as you've probably gathered from the posts on the bulletin board. I recently published a book about color effects in workspaces and included a chapter on all the conflicting theories. Mac's idea is great! Please see the research page at Color Matters for information about publishing your research here.

Christopher Willard:
Well, you know me and I must put in my two cents worth here. I thought it would be completely contradictory but find I agree more with Jill and less with Mac. I'm of the thought that color is context...completely and a particular yellow in one context might cause one feeling while in another the same yello might cause a completely different feeling. Jill is absolutely right that here as well as with the major color theorists who ventured into semantic notions of color there is a GREAT difference of what a color makes one feel. Remember we can quantify the quantity but not the quality, or we can guarantee a quantification of the stimulus but not the psychological response.

As for yellow I worked in an office once that was painted yellow which was very very soothing to work in (at least for me... others questioned the color; at that time I hated yellow too.

There is one good researcher I know who did studies on the physiological responses to color, as found by using the ganzefield technique and she noted absolutely no difference in physiological response and color for quite a number of participants. On the other hand Nancy Kwallick in Texas (who does research for the military -- because they are interested in job performance to color) suggests that different colored offices do produce more or less errors. However I find the method of testing such as flawed. Errors in a typing test may not correspond to a color of the room because way too many outside influences can act upon the individual in the experiment.

This said, I would like to see someone devise an experiment that seems to make a strong link between color and exact emotional response. But I doubt that will ever occur. I believe color is context, as in it's surround, environment, learned semantic notions, cultural biases, etc.

Thus bottom line: we cannot be on solid ground when we say a color equals a certain emotion. It may for YOU but not for ME.

over-exposure to the color yellow would have the effect of making people irritable.Blue will lessen the appetite.Red could make people more aggressive. I would lobby for a neutral shade of green which is soothing and is associated with a more natural setting.

No, not Green. Green tends to associate the mind with "mold," or spoiled food and is not a welcomed color in the food industry. However, Red commonly increases one's appetite and could possibly increase the amount of food purchased, helping the owner financially. For the benefit of the store employees, I would go with a rose colour or a warm tone of brown. But, I definitley agree that the YELLOW has got to go.

The use of color to mitigate stress

I am interested in any research findings relating to the use of color in the design of space to mitigate stress in potentially confrontational situations such as employee discipline and termination interviews. Jerry Brennan

Several years ago I saw a documentary that claimed the color coral (orange-pink) had been shown to reduce stress and violence. When used to paint prison cells, incidences of violence decreased. Am currently doing research on color and emotion. Will post anything I find relating to your question.

Dear Suz, In your posting you made reference to a documentary you saw, where 'they' suggested that the color pinkish-orange might help to reduce the violent tendency individuals might have. You may have seen work that was done years ago by the Lyons Institute for Behavioral Research in Takoma, WA. The research was done in part by a Dr. Alexander Schauss. He was looking for a color that 'they' could paint interrogation rooms and jail cells. He was tasked to find a color that would calm hyper-violent behavior of those being detained in the rooms. I recommended that Mr. Schauss investigate the pinkish-orange color. (Yes, I did the work, he got the credit in magazines and on TV....Hey Al!!! I'm sticking my tongue out at you!!! :-p ). Anyway, the color was effective in curbing violence action. But...there's much more to it. It backfired after awhile. I continued research...and found that homeostatic mechanisms in humans do sneaky things to people. The response an individual has to a color for one period can change as time passes. (Study acute/chronic exposure to environmental stiumuli). So, the upshot of all of this is...yes, that color works (actually is a more specific color than just pinkish-orange)....but...if you think you can paint your over-active son's room that color thinking he'll be nice and calm...think again. Your son may be nice and calm for the first 1/2 hr....or even the first day or week. But in time, he may sudden 'flip' and be even more hyper-active. Why? Homeostatis. His body will first recognize, incorporate and start a saturation path being exposed to the color. Prolonged (chronic) exposure will result in physio-saturation. The body will then attempt to re-balance. How? By matching the color (this actually would be easier to understand in graphical format ...sorry). So, if your son hung out in his room (chronically)...he would probably eventually return to an even more hyper behavior. That's what happened with the inmates in the prison's Schauss used for color testing. The pinkish-orange color was deemed a 'huge success' (at first). Weeks later it overwhelmingly backfired...and they all just couldn't figure out why. (Maybe if they read this...they'll finally realize why) :) Good luck on your color research. My studies of color began in 1969, with Dr. Max Luscher. Few have ever seen Luschers full work. It's landmark stuff. Best regards, Mac (Mac)

Color Voodoo eBooks from Color Matters

Q&A-Color & Consumers

Colors for Food Products: Logos and Packaging

Colors for a Logo

I'm interested in colors which consumers are attracted to with relation to food. Basically, I would like to select colors for a logo to a new grocery store that I am contemplating opening. Any feedback??????

Karl: Consumers (hey, that's us!) are attracted to different colors for different types of food, except for blue which is usually an indication that the substance is inedible. But are you after food colors or grocery store colors? If it's colors for the whole store, several things can determine your choices. First, as in real estate, is, Location, Location, Loation. Is this store on a side street of a big city? A strip mall along an avenue? At an interstate's offramp in the midst of a vast flat area? The color(s) and the size will change according to the anwer to this question. Second is location-related: what's around it? Other stores? Will you be the Mom 'n' Pop among the fast food franchises? Will it be next to a restored inner city train station or a train station in need of restoration. Or what? Third: what're ya selling. Okay, groceries, you said that, but does the word "gourmet" ever enter into it? Is there a consistency to your stock that might be indicated by your signage and stationary, etc. Next: do you want to convey the image of the old-fashioned, friendly neighborhood grocer or will you be employing surly adolescents in a flourescent-lit Quik-E-Mart convenience stop (Lottery tickets, no waiting). And, of course, there's the cost. Most signmakers will have affordable, off-the-rack colors and letterforms. If you want to go whole hog (you'll be selling meat, right?) you might consult with a graphic designer who can advise you on a whole graphic program and perhaps even decor that can reinforce the image you're trying to convey through the signage. You might start with dmcoy on this very bulletin board (at least as a source of more detailed info), as his postings have indicated that he is a graphic designer.

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Hey Karl, you left out some stuff. Are we talkin' produce, packaged goods, wholistic foods,etc.,etc. What feel are you going for? Cool/hip, old world, suburban mom, friendly neighborhood market,etc. Geography and demographics may help play a role in it, too. As for colors that appeal with food it may be based on personal preference. (My own favorites:deep crimson, rusty oranges/golds, and purple martin for food enticements) Gotta go, getting hungry. Let me know if you open this thing, love to see it. David.

Colors that Sell

Colors for food packaging

Question: I need help with colors for food packaging. I hear that I should avoid blue.

Ron, true, blue is an appetite suppressant, although only in certain concentrations and by volume of use. But a color like Purple Martin used in a ratio of say 15-20% of total space with a dominant color such as Golden Wheat, add maybe a punch of Oriental Red (3-5%) and you've roused up the greatest of appetites. Reds, oranges, violets and rich greens in particular are all going to accentuate hunger. Increase the intensity using black. Most grocers have discovered that black highlights the quality and color of produce by making the background recede. (Shrinkwrapped packaging, produce build-ups, etc.) Best advice take a field trip to your local grocer. Keep in mind colors that attract the target consumer and demographics you are trying to reach. Young? Affluent? Gourmet?

just saw your post and hope it's not too late. I'm away from my bookcase and can't give you the exact title of two or three key books about color use in various consumer products, but you might want to look at Thomas Hines' book The Total Package, which talks about color use in the packaging of just about everything. Probably just as useful as a trip to Barnes & Noble would be a trip to the supermarket. Most product categories stay pretty close to a specific color code. In general, the more intense and pure the color, the stronger the flavor (or whatever). Low-fat, sugar-free, skim and Lite versions of a product will be in paler, lighter tones. The milk carton code in the US is pretty much red for whole milk and blue for skim (low-fat is sometimes yellow, sometimes all-white). There are variations on this theme for almost every food group. These differ between the US and Europe and to some degree within different regions of the US. Housewife? Study which brands developed a loyal following in which markets. Good luck.

Q&A-Symbolism & Terms


Where can I find out what some colors mean?

Where did blue for boys and pink for girls come from?

Where can I get a list of the names of colors?

Whats the term for choosing a color by the feeling it gives you?

Color and religion

The meaning of colors

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good site where i can find out what some colours mean? The colours i need to find out about include: -Blue -Purple -Pink -Green. Its for a presentation where i had to create a homepage and then explain what the colours that i used mean.

Look at the book COLOR, ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN RESPONSE, by Frank Mahnke (pub. VanNostrand Rhinehold

Yes. Depending upon where you are and what access you have to large bookstores, there are several sources for the meanings of color, although few of them are only about color or only about meaning. I'm working on a book on the topic myself, but it won't be out until the spring, and that's probably too late for you. Elsewhere on this vey website is an offer on a compendium of color meanings that you can download (for a price). I haven't done that yet, so I can't vouch for how useful this info is. A couple of books to check for would be 1) The Color Compendium by Hope & Walch; 2) Symbols Sourcebook by Henry Dreyfuss (it's terrific but hard to find); 3) Color: Eyewitness to History, one in a series of Dorling Kindersley books on very specific topics; 4) Selling Color to People by Faber Birren (an oldie but goodie). Good luck, and if color info is something you still need in the spring of 1998, look for my book, Global Graphics: Color, from Rockport Publishers.

..try the ColorVoodoo electronic book here. And be sure to post a thank you note here to the book's author, since the effort that goes into creating such work takes a long hours and hard labor. Best of luck. Mac

Penny, This might be a good site to get another explanation. If I told you I saw a person that was 1. kicking her legs constantly, and 2. moving her arms too and 3. occassionally she'd turn her head 4. and kinda gasp for air What would you make of it? I've given you 4 things she was doing, 4 separate behaviors or actions. (Just like the 4 colors you are asking about). Each of the 4 things she was doing is an action and has meaning within itself. But until you combine them, consider the whole, and realize she was swimming in a pool of water, you miss out on the integration and overall purpose of the individual acting elements. The point is, a person can learn the meaning of a discrete color, but s/he should keep in mind that as more colors are added, the composite meaning may be very different than any of the individual meanings.

Where did blue for boys and pink for girls come from?

Please tell me how girls and boys acquired their stereotypical pink and blue colours and when etc.

I'm quoting from the Color Compendium: "Baby blue is the palest possible tint of blue. A popular color of the 1950's, it is perennially associated with infant boys. Baby pink, a textile standard since the 1920's, is the softest of the true pinks, a favorite for newborn girls. This shade was also in vogue during the 1950's, when the popularity of baby pink sweater sets reached fad proportions." Not much I agree but with a bit of digging on your part a good start.

The Color Compendium mentioned by cwillard is a terrific source for the kind of info you're looking for. A couple of general ideas for you: the Virgin Mary in both western and byzantine art is usually portrayed in blue. From this, pale-to-medium blue (it's almost never dark blue) became somewhat "feminine" color. There are exceptions of course. Part of the reason for this (I don't know the whole story) is that blue was needed to balance the composition of Medieval paintings. Christ is usually wearing red, and if Judas is seen he's in yellow, or sometimes some heavenly messenger (of maybe Biblical era FedEx) would be gold or yellow, so Mary gets the blue robes. Portuguese depictions of the Madonna are just as often crimson or purple. Any society that has developed a formal system of color meaning will usually designate colors that are masculine or feminine, although few other cultures are as strict about it as we ('Mericans, that is) are. (Very) generally speaking, the sun is given masculine attributes and the moon, feminine. China, Japan, and Korea all had separate and distinct codes of color, usually regarding color use by royalty or at least the very upper crust of the society. Almost by default, you could point to colors that are (wer e or have been) restricted for use by those of a certain rank or profession that have traditionally held by men only; women, then, couldn't wear or use that color in that way. There is this Western notion of "softer" "pastel" colors being at least less "manly" if not actually feminine... In some tribal cultures color use isn't distinguished between genders but how it is used might be. If you can get a copy of the Color Compendium I'd recommend it highly. There are also several other books around, including a couple by Faber Birren. Depending upon the focus of your paper, you might want to narrow your search to either artistic uses of color in regards gender, or head toward the anthropology section of the library and see if you can find a running theme. Good luck.

I've just come across a new book entitled When Blue Meant Yellow by (I think) Jean Heifitz. It's a language-oriented history/discussion of how color words evolved. She isn't a scholar or historian (nothing wrong with that) but she seems to have done tons of research made passing references to Berlin and Kay and others. I haven't got the book yet, so I couldn't tell you anything more about it. I just heard the author interviewed on a local Pubic Radio show (thank God it wasn't pledge week or I'd've been tuned into classic rock). The publisher is Henry Holt. I'm actually attempting to buy the book this very afternoon. If I am successful, I'll post a quick opinion (for whatever that's worth).

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According to a Swedish psychotherapist, Karl Ryberg, that uses monochromatic colours in therapy the fashion ideal originates from the fifties in the US but has a much earlier origin. Blue and red was an aid in fostering the child, as blue has a calming effect (for the boys) and red stimulates (for the girls). This was intuitive knowledge but already in the nineteenth century you will find a definite separation in blue and red as the colours of men and women. What was added in the fifties was white, the colour of innocence.

With parakeets the male's nose is blue and the female's is pink."

Blue if it's a boy, Pink if it's a girl. But wait?!?!... I thought Males were associated with Red? (And isn't pink kinda Red?) And I thought Blue was more feminine? Did someone get the baby outfits mixed up? Besides. Blue is more 'innocent' and red (pink) is 'not so innocent'. Surely there must be a mistake here. Does anyone have any thoughts or suspicions about this mix up? If so, let me know. :)

Read more about Pinkat Color Matters.

Color Voodoo for what you wear

Where can I get a list of color names?

Question :
I would like to see an extensive list of names of colors. I am especially interested in names that are rarely used, yet somewhat known. e.g.s vermillion, chartreuse, sepia. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christopher Willard :
For a number of years the British Colour Council put out a Dictionary of Colour Standards that often had very strange names for colors like Bee Eater Blue, Kermes, Squirrel, or Eau-de-Nil. These were in the 1930s - 40's and while difficult to find you might locate a couple that will be of use. In Patricia Sloane's HIDEOUS and frequently very inaccurate book called The Visual Nature of Color she does present a long list of color names derived from objects as well as to reprint the Inter-society's names for a standard blue (all 125 names for it.) Further she reprints the ISCC list of 267 major color classes.

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I remember reading some time ago that a research project was underway (perhaps at Cal State Berkley) that was tracing the roots of the names of colors. One early finding was that as a language was traced toward the more primitive forms, the number of colors which had unique names grew smaller. The findings stated that in the most primitive languages the only colors afforded this distinction were red, white and black.

You are right about the study and that it was done at Berkeley, so put to rest any worries about your memory being time-warped. The duo that conducted the research were Berlin & Kay, and you should search for the published results of their work using their names. I don't recall the title of the book. Good luck.

Whats the term for choosing a color by the feeling it gives you?

What's the "term" for choosing a color by the feeling it gives you? Chroma Choosing ? Spectral Sensing ? Color Craving ? Feeling Hue ? Hue Pick'em ? Spectral Selection ? Pigment Preference ? Tastes for Tint ? Picking Pigment ?

I've often seen this described to as "semantic preference."

Global Color Database

Color and Religion

I am currently writing a book on creating balance through the use of color. My question - does anyone know how color is shown or is symbolic of in the religons of the world.

I think in Judaism, color is very important. On happy holidays such as purim, costumes of bright color are welcomed in the sanctuary. On more seriousholidays like Rosh Hashannah nd Yom Kippour, the Religous leaders (the rabbi and cantor) wear white robes over their suits.

White is the color of purity. It is always shown as such in the Bible, which happens to be your best resource. If you look at all color together in light, they form the color white, not black. That is their purist form. When people speak of seeing human auras, they always include the spectrum of color. Yet when Christ's aura is seen, it is white, symbolizing His purity. Read my other responses, they gave me some good insight into religious color. Most of my research has been either the Bible or secular studies.

I am seeking information on the color "violet" and its meaning in religions. Any suggestions?

The only thing I have found out about violet is it is considered the color in the aura surrounding many of the saints, and the virgin Mary. Violet's combination of blues and red are symbolic of responsiblity and sacrifice. I am currently writing a book on color in the Bible and violet is not mentioned - only blue, red or crimson, and purple. According to Luscher, violet pertains to our sensual nature, so maybe this is why its not found. Although it could definitely be included in the Song of Solomon.

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